Friday, May 20, 2011

Our children...our one great happiness!

mommy Flor's little angels- Elizabeth and John
They are so sweet. They are beautiful. They are like angels- well they really are angels in the family. They are so loveable. But why are some children not so lucky enough to be loved?

I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl. She is my greatest joy and i cannot ever imagine something bad would happen to her. The murder of that poor little girl Anicka Janatkova, made me realize how serious dangers there are threatening our children. I am very sorry for her parents who are sure devastated of their beloved daughter’s brutal death. The greatest pain one could ever feel is a loss of someone very dear. For a parent,  the loss of a child must be the greatest disaster could ever be.

The biggest danger probably is a pedophile attack. Pedophilia is a sexual deviation. For those who suffer such abnormality, it is not their mistake and so i cannot therefore condemn all of the pedophiles because i think some of them are able to control their emotions and never hurt a child. Some even make their own iniciative to seek for a professional help to heal themselves.

But then there is that part that cannot control their behavior at all and commit violence against children. Such people should be very strictly punished and once and for all prevent them from doing again such crimes- castrate them if needed. Often, pedophile attackers are even those who have had already criminal records, who earlier had been punished, treated and released. I also see the error from the side of these judges, doctors and politicians who failed to do pretty strict laws to penalize these kinds of criminals. For these mistakes on their part, what happen is that these vulnerable children mostly pay the cost of it all- either their own life or mental disability out of such traumatic experience.

Every parent probably says that this happens only to a small percentage of children and that my child is certainly will not be among them. But one should not ever underestimate such danger and rather try to raise children and warn them every single time to avoid such dangerous attacks. Always remind them not to go to a deserted place alone and not to talk to strangers and the like. For children this could mean some limitations for them like being deprived of going somewhere they would like to go. This is an unpopular decision for parents. Children cannot or just don’t want to understand this that is why in this case, to be strict is significant. I would rather my child got mad at me for a couple of hours than to let something bad happen to her

Child abuse has a lot of forms. I do not and probably never will understand why there are parents who beat their children to death. It is so heartbreaking just how I can see and hear news on television concerning this issue; a child was found dead at a river, at a field and at a toilet room and the like. How can a mother do this to her own baby? This, I will never understand. There are couples out there who are not blessed to have even one and a lot of them are very happy to be blessed even just through adoption. Why should a woman be so heartless to throw out a very vulnerable soul? If the problem is money, you can’t feed your child and nurture her, so give him to someone who can. Why not?

Why is this happening? What’s wrong with our world today? Maybe we can say it is because of unwanted pregnancies of most young desperate teenagers who do not know how to make plans, take the responsibilities and so leading them to commit such a heartless act. Still, being young and desperate will never justify such a brutal act.

For us mommies out there, let us guide our children all the way so that they don’t lose track. We are their role model. We must become what we want them to be. I know that no parents will ever want their children get harmed but please even if our children are so stubborn and really very hard-headed, let us not leave them. Experience has taught me that the more they are rebellious, the more UNDERSTANDING and LOVE they need- NOT despising. Some parents don’t even allow their children to go out and enjoy. Why deprive them of that happiness?

mommy Anny and her little one :-)
Let them date whoever they want to date with. Instead of being too tight on them, keep the knot a bit loose. Set them free. Let them explore life. Let them dream. Let them love. Let them make mistakes and above all let them learn. Instead of imposing and imposing this and that why not let them find it out themselves? The best we can do is to be there for them whenever, wherever. They need guidance but that doesn’t mean we have to take whole control of their life. We always think what is best for our children but we must also consider that, what makes us happy may not make them. It is not an easy role to be a parent; it is the most challenging profession one could ever experience.

Although I am young mom, I know what I am saying. I know what I preach in here. We may be different in our ways, but we all have the same goal- to make and see them happy. We all have been children too and we know what it is like. :-) I wish you all a happy weekend! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said:)
World is full of cruel people who do not mind even poor young victims. The joy of a mother lies on the beauty their children posses inside.

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